Realization of a live piling in the Municipality of Avigliana

In the Municipality of Avigliana along a property border there was a landslide triggered by sudden intense rainfall. This caused the accumulation of material on land owned by the neighbor, who, rightly, required its removal, as well as the arrangement of the surface affected by the movement. The intervention required the design and construction of a stepped live cribwall, for total height of 4.5 m and length of 14 m. The structure, made of debarked chestnut rounds with a diameter of about 30 cm, was assembled according to the techniques of soil bioengeenering. The filling operated with the soil involved in landslide has allowed the planting of consolidating species mixed with species suitable for the production of a good landscape and perceptual outcome of the work.
Year: 2020
Client: Committente Privato
Project Name: Realization of a live cribwall in the Municipality of Avigliana
Location: Comune di Avigliana