As a result of heavy rainfall, there was a landslide along the only access road to the Borgata Riva in the Municipality of Rubiana, with a front about 30 m long. The phenomenon has affected the road, removing it in part, with interruption of access to homes. The intervention required the construction of a support work (boulder wall) downstream of the road, with a foundation on rock, to allow the restoration of the roadway and allow access again. In addition, the slideplane has been entirely reprofiled, consolidated above with naturalistic engineering techniques (grata viva) revegetated with native species with high vegetative propagation capacity. Foot and toe has been reshaped, and the surface water has been regulated on the entire surface, in order to avoid reactivations of the movement due to the water infiltration.
Year: 2019
Client: Comune di Rubiana
Project Name: Sistemazione idrogeologica del movimento franoso in Loc. Riva
Location: Riva – Comune di Rubiana